I think all of us who have dealt with unemployment will be better employees for it. Our egos disappeared long ago. Recently when I went to Florida, I talked to a younger girlfriend who still works in TV. She is frustrated with it, and has the exact same complaints I did when I was 25. She said, "Some days I'll work 12 hours, and I don't even get a thank-you." I thought a lot about this later, and I remember someone once telling me your bosses shouldn't have to thank you for doing your job. Your paycheck is your thank you. I realize now as a 30-something woman who's faced unemployment, I no longer have a sense of entitlement.
I recently took a part-time job because I was going nuts sitting around our 660-square foot apartment. (BTW-I'm creating a drinking game with my blog. Every time I say 660-square feet, you take a drink!) As part of my job, I sometimes have to clean the bathrooms and mop the floor. Pre-recession Jeannie would have said, "Oh no, I have a Bachelor's degree--I don't do floors."
Current recession Jeannie thinks, "I'll gladly do whatever they ask, because I'm happy to have a job."
So for all of you recently employed, congratulations. You should be so proud. (Now take a shot!) To all of you still looking, keep your head high and know what a better person you have become.
660 sq. feet.....660 sq. feet....this is fun........660 sq. feet....