Deep breaths Jeannie, deep breaths.
C'mon Alfred Angelo, I ordered this dress on March 17th, and I didn't ask for Pope Benedict to bless it before you shipped it off. Everyday I call and some 20's-something girl with a really high voice tells me, "It should be on its way." Well guess what ladies, it's not.
Here is why you should always listen to your inner voice. I went into the Alfred Angelo store in Fort Myers, Florida after my girlfriend/bridesmaid raved about the fabulous service she received there. Like Julia Roberts Pretty Woman style, where the workers were bringing her dresses that would look fabulous on her. When I went it, I was told to "help myself" and had to personally up-zip the protective bag around each dress just so I could see it. Typically bridal shops don't want people's dirty digits on their dresses, but apparently mine were A-OK.
Then when I tried on the dresses (none of which were in my size), I had to come out of the dressing room holding it up for dear life so I didn't flash everyone there. My girlfriend had someone pin her dress for her, but for me? Nothing.
I hesitantly ordered the dress I thought would fit. And did I mention I did so on March 17th?
And it's still not here.
I'm channeling my inner Bridezilla, and getting ready to call and argue with the Co-Manager on why I should get my money back. Wish me luck and pray that I don't make her cry.
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