It got me thinking about the things we do, sometimes by force, for our spouses or girlfriends/boyfriends. Then I thought, hey wait a minute...Mike doesn't do things just because I insist! He's getting away scott free! For example, I really wanted to take dancing lessons before our wedding. For years I've envisioned us wowing our guests with our ballroom dancing skills. I actually pictured in my mind Mike picking me up and lifting me over his head Dirty Dancing style. How cool would that be??
But he said no. Trust me, I asked for months and months, and he always said no. He said he didn't want to look like a "pansy." I insisted that Max and Derrick on Dancing with the Stars are totally hot, but he didn't agree. I finally decided it would be silly to force him to go because he wouldn't enjoy it, so I gave up. I knew our no rhythm, 9th grade homecoming dance style would just have to do.
So what am I doing wrong? How can I force him to do things? (I think it's what you do once you get married.) Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I am not a I can't really help you. I would prefer that my hubby NEVER be overheard griping about his kids and his wife and no free time to his co-worker. :) BUT I know that even with no forcing, life can happen and that conversation, in some form or fashion could still occur. I am quite sure that "Deb" just signed him up for volunteering because she knew he could somehow benefit from it. And lets be honest, hes a pushover. Clearly. I didn't marry a pushover...and it sounds like you didn't either. :)