I bought these tickets for Mike as a way of making up. No we didn't fight, but the last concert we went to was John Mayer, and I blew it. See the thing is, we never actually got to see Mayer perform, because I passed out. Ha, you're probably thinking it was amateur night and I got too sick. Wrong.
It was August 14th and a beautiful, hot, sticky day in Chicago. The concert was in Tinley Park, so we decided to go early and grab a bite to eat. We went to a little pizzeria in the darling downtown area. Well, the pizza was amazing, so we ate every last bite. I also downed 3 RC Cola's, because let's face it, when else am I going to be able to drink RC? Then we went to an equally darling ice cream parlor, and I ordered a single scoop of Butter Pecan ice cream. Single really meant triple, but instead of protesting, I licked up every single ounce. Once we arrived at the concert, we realized security wouldn't allow any tailgating, so Mike and I quickly downed a bottle of wine. Once we got inside, he bought me a HUGE plastic guitar shaped frozen margarita. Considering it was 90 degrees out and we paid $14 for it, I chugged the whole thing.
We then went to our seats and watched about 10 minutes of the opening act. That's when just like a kid I wined, "I don't feel so good." We then went back to the main area, and I started to black out. I took a drink of water...and that's the last thing I remember... until I woke up on Mike's lap with water coming out of my nose. I felt awful, so we decided to leave. As he was walking me out, I chirped, "Well honey, I guess it's for better or worse, right!?"
When I got home, I googled "Passing out after eating too much" and apparently it's pretty common. My blood sugar was on a roller coaster, until finally I couldn't handle it anymore.
So tonight is a chance to redeem myself. If I stay away from frozen margaritas, Butter Pecan ice cream and two tons of carbs, I should be okay. Wish me luck.

At least it was just John Mayer.